Wed, Sep 6, 2023
New Login | New Testimonials

Dear Pandas,
Back to work here, and at PandaSuite, it's shaping up to be more dynamic than ever! 🎒 As everyone gets back into the swing of things, we're excited to share inspiring testimonials that we collected at the beginning of the summer.
Discover how HubOne transformed their sales presentations with our platform and how the French National Gendarmerie adopted PandaSuite as a solution for creating business apps. We're also thrilled to announce that PandaSuite is now part of the new multi-publishers market of UGAP-SCC, simplifying the ordering and purchasing process for our partners in the French public sector, including ministries and territorial collectivities.
We continued to work this summer to deploy new features and publish new tutorials. Whether you're a graphic designer, marketing or digital professional, we're here to support you in your creative projects for this new season.
So, are you ready to start this school year off on the right foot with PandaSuite? 🚀
See you soon
The PandaSuite team
💫 New Features
A new login

You may have already noticed: we took advantage of the summer to deploy a new login. This one allows to unify your user experience between the dashboard, PandaSuite Studio and PandaSuite Viewer. And if this new login opened the way to new features to strengthen security? Stay tuned in a few weeks to find out the answer...
Bug fixes and improvements
- Automatic start of the HTTP request: this new property allows the HTTP component to automatically launch the request as soon as the application or screen is launched. No need to create a specific action to initialize or start the request.
- Fix for an iOS bug on the Text Input component that caused the entered value to disappear during a scrolling action.
- Stripe component: correction of an error related to the success of the request.
Make sure your apps are up to date!
- PandaSuite Studio for MacOS, Windows, Linux: v3.6.107
- PandaSuite Viewer for iOS: v3.3.199-323
- PandaSuite Viewer for Android: v2.1.216