Mon, Jul 24, 2017

Innovative Project Inspirations Using PandaSuite's Platform

Innovative Project Inspirations Using PandaSuite's Platform

PandaSuite offers you the greatest freedom of creation to make a wide variety of applications and digital publications without any code!

While it may sound like a self-promotional article written by a crazy startup in love with its product, it's true that PandaSuite's main strength lies in all the things you can do with it.

Four years ago, when we created this tool, our goal was to remove every obstacle that blocked people with great ideas from creating their own apps. That's why we've always focused on providing the greatest freedom of creation possible. Whatever the content or experience, PandaSuite fits the maximum number of new kinds of needs. This is why we see new forms of content appearing on our platform every day.

Here are 14 possible uses of PandaSuite. Why 14? Why not? 😃

Sales presentation

Salespeople are always on the go and more and more often they bring their tablet along with them. Transforming the printed catalog into an interactive sales support tool simplifies their sales process and magnifies the products through an attractive medium.

Access is secured by an authentication form, updates are instant and it can be easily connected to an ordering system

Discover the Rouchette digital catalog which has abandoned paper for a digital version


Many museums are now turning to the pockets of their visitors to replace the traditional audioguide. Visitors have only to look at their smartphone to get more information about the exhibition.

Virtual reality, 3D, app provides an immersive experience that becomes geo-contextualized coupled with Beacon proximity sensors  and delivers the right information at the right time.

Discover Studio Blumenfeld, a mix of guided tour and catalog with over 200 images, videos, and interactive content!

Studio Blumenfeld, Cité de la Mode et du Design, Fixioneers
Studio Blumenfeld, Cité de la Mode et du Design, Fixioneers

Event App

Expand your events with a mobile app. For your participants, it is a useful thread for important information: save the date, maps, schedules, programs, etc. Keep your future visitors up to date and let them know what’s going on! The good news: there’s no need to broadcast this application on app stores, you can reserve it for your registered users!

Bonus: Use Beacon proximity sensors to send geo-contextualized information to your participants throughout the event!

Interactive presentation

No more Powerpoint! Create effective and engaging content using all the interactive possibilities! In just a few clicks, insert your content (images, text, videos, PDF …) and create your animations! Access your presentation from anywhere (computer, mobile, tablet), offline or online.

Digital magazine

The iPad has become for a few years a great support for magazines. Explore a new narrative field, blend different forms of content while integrating the movement and interactivity made possible by tablets.

Download Hardi, the interactive magazine for iPad from Rouchon studio.

Hardi Magazine, Studio Rouchon

Interactive ebook

Halfway between the book and the cartoon, the interactive book makes the children actors in your story. Enriched with illustrations, it fully exploits animation, sounds and games (puzzles, quizzes, clues …) to bring an educational dimension to your support.

Discover Kamoeluk, the interactive story of a tree that wanted to become a human

Web documentary

New screens break the linear narrative pattern of the documentary. The choice of navigation (scrolling, chapters …), the structuring of narrative (timing…) and the content available (video, text, images …) make it possible to explore new forms of narration while replacing the user at the center of the narration.

Discover "The Nurses of Madness", the University of Ottawa's web documentary on the history of psychiatric nursing in Quebec in the 20th century.

Les infirmières de la folie.png

Welcome guide

Instead of sending a PPT, why not develop a mobile app to guide your new colleagues for their first days? This lets you have a bank of information that guides newcomers when they arrive. In addition it placed proximity sensors in the corridors that trigger practical information as they go about their day.

Discover Newcomers, the welcome booklet of the Judicial Protection of Youth.

pjj newcomers.png


At PandaSuite, we are using our own tool to work on our website. Our tool is also used by agencies to bring proposals to life, whether for competition or commercial development.

With just a few hours and a few screens, you can bring a concrete solution to life for your interlocutors.

Discover this prototype made in 2 hours by the agency MadeForCom to sell an application to Mitsubishi.

Press release

Most journalists get hundreds of emails every day. They will spend just a few seconds deciding whether something looks interesting. If you don’t immediately grab their attention, they’ll move on to the next thing in their inbox.

Create an original navigation to access your content (text, videos, images, PDF …) and spread your message on every device (mobile, tablet, desktop). Use the consultation statistics to evaluate the performance of your press release.

Faurecia Interactive Presski, CES 2018
Faurecia Interactive Presski, CES 2018

Digital Learning

To better engage people using gamification, create multilingual, customized, and unlockable training modules. Use different types of content, such as photos, videos, and audio, to visually explain even the most complicated principles.

Serious Game

Create treasure hunts and use gaming techniques to convey your message. Utilize proximity sensors and GPS to turn any location (such as a company, garden, or museum) into a vast playing field where players uncover your messages as they progress.

Discover the demo app of the company Octave Ludique. Riddles, codes to decipher, clues to find... Will you be able to complete the adventure?

Interactive resume

Don’t use a standard resume anymore, choose the best format to present who you are. Tell your story in a different way and show your future recruiters that digital has no secrets for you! Share on mobile, tablet and web.

Interactive Kiosk

The interactive kiosk offers many advantages for businesses and users. Firstly, it allows businesses to provide an interactive and immersive experience for their customers. Users can interact with the kiosk's touch screen interface, giving them a sense of control and engagement. Additionally, interactive kiosks provide an efficient way to deliver information and services quickly and easily.

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